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Pyramid Rock Beach is located on the Marine Corps Base, so it can only be accessed with a valid military I.D. Normally, the beach is fairly deserted because of its location. It’s known for it’s waves and strong current, although this is usually the spot that I take surf lessons because most days the waves are just gentle enough for a novice surfer. I love this beach because the wide amount of sand between the grass and the water. Often the sand gets so hot you have to sprint to your car- only if you’re barefoot (which we always are).


To the north at the end of the beach sits the huge rock the beach is named after, this end has the strongest waves and is where the surfers congregate. The Southside is home to a rock path with many tide pools, when I was little I used to collect sea cucumbers from the pools and keep them as pets. My family often goes snorkeling here in the tide pool area, as there are often unusual fish if the current isn’t very strong.


Once when I was taking a surf lesson from my friend here, the lifeguards kept calling us out of the water because of shark sightings. I quit after that, but he kept surfing until he saw one for himself and got spooked. They were only hammerhead sharks so nothing threatening but one of his favorite stories to tell. 

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